8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

linkedin-post-leigh-mckenzie 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

With dozens of SEO podcasts vying for your attention, choosing the right one(s) can be overwhelming.

That’s why we’ve curated a list of the best SEO podcasts. To help you navigate the world of SEO and stay on top of the latest industry news.

Our Head of SEO, Leigh McKenzie, also reached out to the community on LinkedIn to share their favorite episodes and insights gained from these podcasts.

Let’s check out what people picked and discuss what you can learn from each podcast.

TL;DR: The Top SEO Podcasts

Podcast name Ideal for
SERP’s Up Beginner SEOs, agencies, and digital marketers
The Search Engine Journal Show Those looking for a long podcast series (300+ episodes)
Search with Candour Beginner and intermediate-level SEOs to learn from unique perspectives
Crawling Mondays Those looking for hands-on guidance through a video podcast
The SEO Rant Those looking for personal opinions and unfiltered takes on the SEO industry
The SEO Show Beginners and intermediate professionals looking for expert interviews and live Q&A sessions
The Authority Hacker Podcast Those looking for a mix of topics within and beyond the SEO industry
The SEO Mindset Those looking to learn from the personal experiences and growth stories of fellow SEOs

1. SERP’s Up

serps-up-seo-podcast 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Notable guests: Barry Schwartz, Cindy Krum, Kevin Indig, Barry Adams, Lily Ray, Marcus Tober
  • Podcast format: Co-hosted with guest interviews
  • Average episode time: Around 45-50 minutes

SERP’s Up is the brainchild of Mordy Oberstein and Crystal Carter, two key figures in Wix’s SEO leadership team.

With over 100 episodes (and a new one dropping every week), the podcast covers diverse subjects from the ever-evolving world of SEO.

You can tune into intriguing expert-led conversations, such as Kevin Indig’s discussion of Google’s crucial SERP features. Or Zoe Ashbridge’s discussion of keyword cannibalization.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

SERP’s Up has something for everyone. Whether you want to learn SEO as a beginner. Or navigate your way around SEO reporting. Or even discover key concepts to succeed in the ecommerce industry.

Mordy and Crystal cover various aspects of digital marketing through the lens of SEO.

For example, they spoke to Glenn Gabe, a veteran in the SEO space, about the future of affiliate marketing and the exciting possibilities as the SEO landscape evolves.

wix-seo-hub-seo-affiliate-marketing 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

We’d also recommend this podcast if you run (or work at) an SEO or marketing agency.

The “Agency Series” episodes offer actionable insights for agency owners offering SEO services. Like tips for becoming indispensable for your clients.

wix-seo-hub-podcast-list-page 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

2. The Search Engine Journal Show

search-engine-journal-show-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Loren Baker
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Notable guests: John Brown, Rory Hope, Purna Virji, Ben Steele, Amanda Zantal-Wiener
  • Podcast format: 1:1 interview, co-hosted
  • Average episode time: Around 40-60 minutes

The Search Engine Journal Show brings you the consolidated wisdom of some of the best SEO experts.

In conversation with Loren Baker, the founder of Search Engine Journal, each episode discusses interesting themes. Ranging from multilingual localization and Google ranking factors to content strategy, PPC ads, and beyond.

This diversity of topics means the podcast caters to listeners of all skill levels.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

If you’re looking for a podcast to keep you hooked for a long time, The Search Engine Journal Show’s catalog of 300+ episodes promises just that.

Simply search for a topic you want to explore and find all the relevant episodes in this vast collection.

search-engine-journal-show-catalog 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

Each episode brings you actionable and in-the-trenches insights from experts.

For example, Loren hosted a Q&A session with Martin Splitt, a developer advocate at Google.

This episode covers questions shared by listeners in a live stream and tackles topics like Semantic HTML, indexing, Google Search Console, and more.

search-engine-journal-show-special-episode 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

3. Search with Candour

candour-podcast-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Jack Chambers-Ward
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Notable guests: Nikki Pilkington, Josephine Rudolf, Simon Lesser, Emina Demiri-Watson
  • Podcast format: 1:1 interview, co-hosted
  • Average episode time: Around 45-60 minutes

Search with Candour is another great SEO podcast if you’re looking to get the hang of SEO. Every episode is a free-flowing conversation between Jack Chambers-Ward and his guests.

Jack invites subject matter experts to chat about a single topic at length (most episodes are an hour long). So, you get comprehensive insights about a new concept every time you finish an episode.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

We recommend tuning into Search with Candour if you want to:

  • Learn the nuances of SEO at a beginner or intermediate level
  • Find interesting opinions on what’s happening in the SEO industry

Jack commented on Leigh’s post with a complete list of his favorite episodes. One being where Dana DiTomaso breaks down her tips for tracking attribution in GA4.

It’s a great one for beginners with a start-to-finish guide for creating key events in GA4.

linkedin-jack-chambers-ward-reply 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

Jack also covers thought-provoking topics like “Is Bing better than Google?” to have opinionated discussions with experts.

This particular episode, featuring Mark Williams-Cook as the co-host, discusses search marketing news. And presents Jack and Mark’s personal viewpoints about the updates in Bing, Brave Search, and other happenings in the search landscape.

candour-podcast-youtube 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

4. Crawling Mondays

aleyda-solis-podcast-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Aleyda Solis
  • Frequency: Monthly (not always consistent)
  • Notable guests: Talia Wolf, Tom Critchlow, Petra Kis-Herczegh, Sam Torres, Adam Gent
  • Podcast format: Multiple guests
  • Average episode time: Around 20-35 minutes

Aleyda Solis, an international SEO powerhouse, breaks down interesting SEO concepts in her podcast, Crawling Mondays.

This video podcast features a panel of 2-3 guests in every episode.

New episodes come out somewhat infrequently. But the 55 episodes in the collection offer enough insights to familiarize you with concepts like:

  • Conversion rate optimization
  • SEO product management
  • Content creation
  • Link-building

And much more.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

You can conveniently finish a snackable 30-minute episode to gather insightful perspectives on a topic.

For example, the episode titled “Getting SEO Buy-In” breaks down the steps for seeking leadership approval for SEO efforts.

In just 30 minutes, Tom Critchlow and Petra Kis-Herczegh share the top challenges and first-hand mistakes they made in the past. And share their proven practices to guide you toward success.

cravling-mondays-podcast-youtube 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

One of the most-loved episodes in this podcast is on SEO auditing for large websites.

The 20-minute discussion provides tips and tools for conducting a large-scale SEO audit. Jamie Indigo and Patrick Stox also share critical errors to avoid, among other valuable insights.

Tyler Nalbach shared on Leigh’s post how this episode gave him the best practices to strategically audit large websites for his clients in the fashion/clothing industry:

linkedin-tyler-nalbach-ward-reply 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

5. The SEO Rant

the-seo-rant-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Mordy Oberstein
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Notable guests: Rohan Ayyar, Erika Varangouli, Patrick Stox, Lily Ugbaja
  • Podcast format: 1:1 interview, multiple guests
  • Average episode time: Around 30-50 minutes

True to its name, The SEO Rant features unfiltered conversations about SEO practices and the latest events.

Going beyond just delivering beginner-friendly tips, Mordy Oberstein invites guests to share their personal opinions on a subject in an informal chat.

For example, one of the episodes discusses women’s participation in the SEO industry. Lisa Schneider sheds light on women’s role in this space and suggests how men could do better to increase women’s contributions.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

The SEO Rant is a great place to discover new perspectives and explore the world of SEO. With over 100 episodes in the bank, this is one of the best SEO podcasts for finding contrarian viewpoints.

Almost every episode discusses a hot take or questions the status quo. Mordy responded to Leigh’s LinkedIn post that the episode “Is the Helpful Content Update Defective?” is one that stands out to him in particular.

He chats with Rohan Ayyar, the co-founder of digital marketing agency 99stairs, about the issues with the concept of helpful content and how it has evolved.

the-seo-rant-spotify-podcast-episode 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

6. The SEO Show

the-seo-show-podcast-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Michael Costin and Arthur Fabik
  • Frequency: Twice a month
  • Notable guests: Matt Diggity, Kyle Roof, Barry Schwartz, Geoff Kennedy
  • Podcast format: Co-hosted, 1:1 interviews
  • Average episode time: Around 15-45 minutes, depending on the format

The SEO Show is co-hosted by Michael Costin and Arthur Fabik. This show targets beginner and intermediate-level SEOs looking to level up their expertise.

The pair dives deep into a range of SEO themes—from Google updates and digital PR to conversion rate optimization and more.

They also draw heavily from their agency-side experience to share insights, predictions, and case studies for SEO success.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

The case study episodes are one of the many reasons we recommend listening to The SEO Show.

The hosts walk you through a live experiment where they set up a brand-new domain and execute an SEO strategy. They use these specific episodes to share updates on the project, including the latest tasks completed and overall progress.

It’s a great way to pick up some tips for building an SEO strategy from scratch.

the-seo-show-podcast-episode 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

You’ll also find 1:1 interviews with SEO legends like Barry Schwartz. These episodes present an insight-packed conversation with the guest.

the-seo-show-barry-schwartz-interview 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

The podcast also features Q&A episodes every few weeks. These episodes allow you to ask direct questions and gain new insights from others’ answers.

7. The Authority Hacker Podcast

authority-hacker-podcast-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Gael Breton and Mark Webster
  • Frequency: Every 2 weeks
  • Notable guests: Lily Ray, Cyrus Shepard, Anne Moss, Kyle Roof
  • Podcast format: Co-hosted, often featuring interviews with guests
  • Average episode time: Around 45-90 minutes, depending on the format

The Authority Hacker Podcast covers an interesting mix of topics related to SEO, digital marketing, advertising, and more.

Hosts Gael Breton and Mark Webster bring their decades of expertise to have fun and engaging conversations with their guests.

They also co-host a few episodes to explain a concept backed by their experiences and examples.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

The Authority Hacker Podcast has over 300 episodes, with new ones coming every two weeks. This is an ideal choice for those looking for podcasts as a source of continuous knowledge gain.

Each one also comes with a neat blog summary of the topics discussed.

authority-hacker-podcast-list 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

A notable episode featuring Cyrus Shepard, the founder of Zyppy SEO, breaks down Google’s Quality Rater parameters.

Cyrus draws on his experience as one of Google’s 17,000 Quality Raters to share how you can maximize your SEO success.

authority-hacker-podcast-episode 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

8. The SEO Mindset

the-seo-mindset-podcast-homepage 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge
  • Hosted by: Sarah McDowell and Tazmin Suleman
  • Frequency: Weekly
  • Notable guests: Jack Chambers-Ward, Dana DiTomaso, Alex Harford
  • Podcast format: Co-hosted, multiple guests
  • Average episode time: Around 30-45 minutes

The SEO Mindset is unlike all the SEO podcasts we’ve discussed so far.

Hosted by Sarah McDowell and Tazmin Suleman, this podcast focuses on mindset coaching and career development for success in the SEO industry.

You’ll hear from some of the most popular names in the SEO space. But instead of discussing Google updates, ranking factors, and all those technical concepts, guests discuss their growth journey and share personal development tips.

Why You Should Listen to This Podcast

While many of the best SEO podcasts will teach you essential technical skills, The SEO Mindset podcast will help you:

  • Gain confidence
  • Communicate effectively
  • Build your path to growth

We recommend listening to the frank conversations around topics related to personal growth and career progression.

the-seo-mindset-episodes-list 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

In one of the episodes, the hosts discuss practical ways to manage frustrating situations in a workplace, especially from the perspective of an SEO.

They discuss specific instances that might frustrate you (like a sudden drop in rankings and traffic) and share actionable advice to overcome these challenges.

the-seo-mindset-one-episode 8 Remarkable SEO Podcasts to Level Up Your Knowledge

Tips to Maximize Knowledge Gain from SEO Podcasts

Listening to your favorite SEO podcasts is one thing.

But retaining the knowledge and insights shared in every episode is a whole different ball game.

Here are our top tips to get the most out of every podcast and enhance your SEO knowledge, one episode at a time:

  • Use a note-taking app: Instead of simply listening to a podcast episode, make notes to retain a lot more information. Use apps like Inspod, PlayerFM, and Snipd to create bookmarks and take notes while listening to an episode.
  • Engage with the community: Another great way to contextualize what you learn from a podcast is to interact with a community of listeners. Start discussions in any SEO community to break down your favorite episodes and collect other people’s perspectives (like we did with Leigh’s post on LinkedIn).
  • Take a learn-by-doing approach: Instead of just making notes and discussing podcasts with others, directly implement what you learn from each episode. This will give you hands-on learning experiences and instantly level up your skills.

Podcasts aren’t always a casual learning medium. You have to invest time and effort to derive (and retain) the best lessons from each episode.

Explore the Best SEO Podcasts to Stay Ahead of the Curve

SEO trends come and go in the blink of an eye. And keeping up with everything can feel like an impossible task.

The best SEO podcasts help you learn directly from experts and keep tabs on the latest trends. So that you can consistently improve your knowledge and hone your skills.

But why stop at podcasts? Explore these resources to add even more strings to your SEO bow:

  • SEO trends: Stay updated with key SEO trends and the latest happenings in the industry
  • SEO certifications: Find the best SEO courses to gain certifications and level up your knowledge
  • SEO communities: Join SEO communities to learn from like-minded professionals


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