6 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work

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 businessman in suit holding a laptop and presenting copy space

Even though many people give their best at work, they are not as productive as they wish. Yet, deep down, you know that you are not giving your best. It is not surprising as many people have bad habits which interfere with their work. Failure to effectively manage such practices leads to a steady decline in productivity.

However, you can end every workday with your head raised high and beat your chest with the confidence that you gave your best. This is better than ending the day tired and slumped behind your desk with a series of unfinished projects and other untouched to-do lists.

It is possible for everyone who is not pleased with their output at work to change it. Adopting good habits can set you up for optimum productivity so you can give your best at work.

These six tips will set you up for success and maximum productivity at work:

1. Organize and Declutter

Excessive clutter has a way of affecting our mental strength, draining our ability to focus. Research attests that physical clutter can impact your concentration ability, limiting your ability to assimilate information. As a result, keeping your work environment, especially your table, clean and arranged is essential.

Develop a system of organization that can help you limit clutter and disorganization, especially when files and paper start getting too much. Besides, a good organization saves you time that could have been wasted in looking for various things when you need them. According to a US study, an average employee does waste up to a year looking for items misplaced.

Take the step to declutter today; it will help your mental health and overall productivity.

2. Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol

Consumption of alcohol affects balance, motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and reaction time. All this hampers performance and increases the risk of injury.

However, taking a break from alcohol can offer an impressive productivity advantage. You also risk losing your job should there be an impromptu drug test. If you want synthetic urine before a drug test, consider checking out if you pass synthetic urine near you.

3. Invest in the Right Tools

Access to the right tools and resources is primal to your efficiency and overall productivity. As a result, endeavor to invest in everything you need to perform your job successfully. Imagine the time you lose if you have to stand and walk to another room because you need to make a photocopy!

Investing in high-quality pieces of equipment and software can improve efficiency immensely. It also enhances the perception of the company. Upgrade your PC, and make sure you have the latest software. You might not work effectively if your software is slow due to an overdue PC upgrade or software update.

4. Avoid Multitasking

Even if it makes you feel like a superman, it is not worth it. According to research, productivity comes down by up to 40% due to mental blocks when people switch tasks. Another research from the University of London provided a pretty disturbing result – a couple of men who multitask had up to 15 drops in their IQ.

Furthermore, the University of Sussex in the UL revealed that the brain could experience physical harm from multitasking. The study showed that people addicted to the simultaneous use of multiple devices had a reduced gray matter density in the part of the brain known as the anterior cingulate cortex. This part of the brain controls decision-making, emotion, empathy, and how the brain processes rewards.

The summary: doing many things simultaneously is doing more harm than good. Commit your attention to a single task at once and increase your efficiency. When you feel the urge to do something else in the middle of a job, know that you are gradually killing your brain cells.

5. Get Adequate Sleep

Sadly, many people are not getting the required minimum hour of sleep. Yet, sleep is essential to productivity and overall health. Stress, anxiety, pain, and many others affect people’s ability to sleep well. As a result, many people sleep on the job, which affects their output.

Not getting enough sleep automatically translates to low productivity. Consider the last time you woke up without getting adequate sleep. Chances are you felt sluggish for the better part of the day with a strong desire to sleep.

Lack of sleep affects physical and mental health. Your concentration takes a hit, alongside your mental capacity and logical reasoning. Since the prefrontal cortex is mostly affected by lack of sleep, your ability to handle tasks involving logical reasoning will be significantly affected.

Ideally, aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night for people between 26 and 64. Consider taking a nap in the day if you are not getting enough sleep at night.

6. Take Breaks

When one is restricted to the same task for long, efficiency will undoubtedly hit. This makes it essential to have a time out to help your productivity.

Not taking the required break might create fatigue that will rob you of the necessary energy to make any meaningful progress. As a result, plan several breaks if possible. Such short breaks will allow you to recharge to keep up with the task and get mental agility.


The tips discussed here can go a long way to set you up for improved productivity. Apply them today and experience a positive effect on your productivity.



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