10 Small Businesses on How They’re Doing Marketing Differently in 2022


Although anytime can be a good time to switch up your marketing strategy, the start of the new calendar is one that resonates with us quite a bit. With that in mind, we talked to 10 small business owners to learn about what they’re changing in their marketing this year. No matter what time of the year you read this, we hope these insights can help inspire you with new ways to connect with your customers.

1. Prioritizing One-on-One Interactions

Alison Hazinski, owner of One and Only Paper

Alison Hazinski, the owner and designer behind stationery and gifts brand One and Only Paper, has found that one-on-one customer interaction is the strongest channel for business growth, so she’ll be prioritizing those opportunities.

She plans to look for ways to improve the customer experience, as well as commit to more pop-up markets, where she’s found that the direct interaction has helped her business grow. Still, Hazinski recognizes that online interactions are a necessity, so she’s also looking for ways to bring this approach into the digital world.

My art feels very personal to me, and I’ve found that bringing customers into that experience helps them build their own connections to the products I create. – Alison Hazinski, owner of One and Only Paper

On social media, Hazinski describes her approach as “treating my customers like my friends.” This means framing social media content as though if she’s keeping her real friends up to date on her business. In addition to one-on-one interaction in person at pop-up markets, Hazinski direct messages with her customers on social media as often as possible. She answers questions, thanks them for their orders, and asks their opinion on products. In her own words, “I really want my customers to feel like they are part of this journey with me.”

I’ve found direct interaction has really helped my business grow. – Alison Hazinski, owner of One and Only Paper


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2. Serving Customers at a Deeper Level

Tami Blake, founder and CEO of Free + True Skincare

Tami Blake of indie skincare company

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