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Our official return policy for all products is as follows: will, at its discretion, allow for the return or replacement of any defective product within 30 days from the date of purchase. For recurring billing products, returns for more than one payment may be provided if requested within the standard 30 day return period. After 30 days all sales are final.

Our vendors are not permitted to make any guarantee that conflicts with our return policy. However, we have an enormous inventory of products and it can be difficult to monitor all of them all the time. If you find a product with any warranty that conflicts with our return policy, please bring it to our attention so that we can take corrective action.

The customer may cancel their recurring billing subscription products at any time.

If a customer requests a refund, the money for the requested transaction is refunded back to the customer. If the refund is for a recurring billing product, then the return policy allows for the most recent payment to be returned. Multiple payment returns can be provided as long as they are within the standard 30 day return period. A refund on a recurring billing product will also result in a cancellation.

If customers request a cancellation for their recurring billing product no future re-bills will be charged to their account. Keep in mind, a cancellation will not generate a refund – it will only stop any future re-bills.

When a customer reaches us by phone or email, our first response is to offer customer/ technical support for the product. However, in some cases a product may be unsatisfactory to the customer for reasons completely beyond our control in which case a cancellation or a refund may be processed.

Please Note: Refunds can only be credited back to the account used to make the original purchase. If the original account has been closed, the purchase is not eligible for refund.

Customers requesting serial or repeated returns will be blocked from making further purchases.

Customers requesting a return within 30 days of purchase may be approved by our customer service team if the customer provides evidence that their case merits a return.

Vendors requesting a return within 30 days of purchase will have their request reviewed and usually approved by our customer service team.

Customers requesting a return after 30 days will be directed to the vendor for customer or technical support. Vendors may request a return, on behalf of customers, of any purchase up to 30 days after the date of the customer’s purchase.

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